TN-KY Wildland Fire Academy
January 26-February 7, 2026

Academy Location
Tennessee Fire Service & Codes Academy
2161 Unionville Deason Rd.
Bell Buckle, TN 37020
Important Dates
*Dates subject to change
June 20, 2025: Course schedule posted
July 7, 2025: Nominations open
September 12, 2025: Nominations close
October 10, 2025: Selection letters delivered
January 9, 2026: Waitlists close/Lunch purchases end
Send us an email at tnkywfa@gmail.com
Password: TNKY2025
** Please Read this Section Carefully**
Tuition: $100 per day in-person courses | $50 per day virtual courses
Students from the following sponsoring agencies will not be charged tuition:
Cherokee National Forest
Daniel Boone National Forest
Land Between the Lakes NRA
Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest
USFS Regional Office in Atlanta (not the entire region)
Kentucky Division of Forestry
Tennessee Division of Forestry
Region 4 USFWS
Southeast Region NPS
US Army Installation Management Command
US Air Force Wildland Fire Branch
Selected students will receive detailed payment instructions and invoices as applicable with their Acceptance Letters.